Publish your curated collection for Armchair Explorers!
By: Jim Monastra, OverDrive Account Specialist The curated collections, Armchair Explorer Reads for Adults and Armchair Explorer Reads for Kids…
By: Jim Monastra, OverDrive Account Specialist The curated collections, Armchair Explorer Reads for Adults and Armchair Explorer Reads for Kids…
By: Liz Tousey, Librarian and OverDrive Collection Development Analyst. Have you heard that we’ve added BISAC subject headings for some…
In 1986, Steve Potash laid the foundation for what would become OverDrive, the world’s leading provider of digital content for…
By: Jim Monastra, OverDrive Account Specialist. You are invited to participate in OverDrive’s next Readers’ Advisory project, “Armchair Explorers.” We’ll…
Summer is traditionally when Hollywood rolls out its blockbuster movies. The big budget, tent pole films we all enjoy with…
By: Adam Sockel, OverDrive’s Social Media Specialist Starting today until July 7, users from over 20,000 libraries around the world…
To celebrate OverDrive’s hometown basketball team, the Cleveland Cavaliers, winning the city’s first professional sports championship in half a century…
By: Adam Sockel, OverDrive Social Media Specialist When doing your purchasing in OverDrive Marketplace you’ll now find BISAC subject headings…
By: Adam Sockel, OverDrive Social Media Specialist Last week I had the opportunity to travel to New York City to…
Last week, we announced the June Extravaganza Sale in OverDrive Marketplace with thousands of titles marked down anywhere from 25-50%…
By: Adam Sockel, OverDrive’s Social Media Specialist. Next week, June 23 through 28, the library community will come together in…
By: Adam Sockel, OverDrive’s Social Media Specialist The Big Library Read digital book club program, which kicks off June 23,…
By: Sydney Kalnay, OverDrive Training Specialist (Ed. Note: This post discusses our training webcasts designed to help your staff become an…
By: Christina Samek, OverDrive Marketing Specialist. Since the Resource Center‘s launch in April, we have received positive feedback and have…
By: Melissa Marin, a Marketing Specialist at OverDrive. It’s June so of course, you’re looking at the calendar and counting down…