April’s Library Webcasts
By: Courtney Sveda, Training Specialist It’s finally starting to feel like spring in Cleveland, OH. This weather always makes me…
Spread the love for National Library Week
We’re in love and we don’t care who knows it! WE LOVE BOOKS!!! All books. Print books. Ebooks. Audiobooks. Read-alongs….
Homes is where the heart is in the latest Big Library Read
Big Library Read is back and this time we bring you the powerful and inspiring story of one refugee family…
OverDrive Founder Steve Potash honored by U.S. Supreme Court
On March 27 in Washington, D.C., OverDrive Founder and CEO Steve Potash, his wife and co-founder, Loree, and OverDrive’s Executive…
The third issue of Perspectives on Reading is available now!
The third issue of Perspectives on Reading is here and full of fantastic interviews with thought leaders, insightful articles, data…
AI technology engages more readers with your library
At OverDrive, we’re always working to support your mission to serve readers in new and innovative ways. Over the last…
Books becoming movies in March
This month, movies and television shows based on books come in like a lion. Between HBO documentaries, WW II historical…
7 Game of Thrones read alikes: one for each kingdom
Come April 14th, we’ll return to Westeros one last time to discover who will win the Game of Thrones. The…
Why Audiobooks from the Library Can Be Your Best Workout Partner
It’s estimated that 77% of people give up on their New Year’s resolutions after the first few weeks. And I’m…
Register today for our webcast to learn how to manage your library’s holds without spending a fortune
By Meghan Volchko, Manager, Public Library Collection Development & Emma Dwyer, Content Specialist As two people who always have lots…
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